A Vietnamese Researcher Completed Master Course in Public Health

A Vietnamese Researcher Completed Master Course in Public Health

On 1st November 2014, Mr. Le Quoc Phong has completed Master Course in Public Health at Thai Binh Medical and Pharmaceutical University (TBMPU). He presented his master thesis, “Study on molecular epidemiology of extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli isolated from food in Nha Trang” which was highly appreciated by Scientific Council of TBMPU (Advisors: Prof. Pham Ngoc Khai and Prof. Yamasaki Shinji). Mr. Phong, who is a researcher in Pasteur Institute in Nha Trang (PINT), has started his course since November 2012. Engaging in the Project microbiological activities in Nha Trang, he has also completed training courses by the Project in Hanoi and Japan. His big efforts to research and experiences in the Project contribute to the success in the Master Course. Paying thanks for the Project supports, he noted that "I would like to say many thanks to Prof. Pham Ngoc Khai (TBMPU) and Prof. Yamasaki Shinji (Osaka Prefecture University) who instructed me during the time I did for my thesis."

  Presentation at TBMPU in Nov. 2014.

   Master Course completion award, Mr. Phong (center) with Prof. Khai (left to Mr. Phong).

  Molecular Biology Training at Osaka Prefecture University from May to Oct. 2014.

  Mr. Phong (right) with Prof. Yamasaki

   Project experiments at PINT laboratory (right Mr. Phong) in July 2013.

 PCR training at Hanoi with project members (left Mr. Phong) in Oct. 2013.