Global Conference on One Health

Oral presentation by the project

Fukuoka city, Japan, Nov. 10, 2016--- At the 2nd Global Conference on One Health organized by the WVA/WMA*, a member of the project with JICA supports delivered an oral presentation on a community intervention model to reduce risk factors of antimicrobial resistant (AMR) bacteria in a small local commune. Dr. Trinh Hong Son, who is a communication expert of the NIN and a Vietnamese leader of the project’s anthropology working group, introduced the only AMR project under SATREPS in Vietnam and a case of population health approach designed with epidemiological findings. He showed several hygiene programs implemented in a commune such as a washing hands program in schools, raising awareness on AMR and antibiotic use and so on. About 600 participants from about 30 countries gathered for the Conference to strengthen the links and collaboration between stakeholders engaging in One Health approaches.

*WVA=World Veterinary Association, WMA=World Medical Association.

Dr. Trinh Hong Son.

Panel discussions with all speakers and Q/A.

Presenters from Vietnam, Indonesia, Kenya and Zambia of SATREPS projects in the world.

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