Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health & SATREPS Symposium

Poster presentations by Vietnamese researchers

The 75th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Public Health

On October 28 2016, the chief adviser and the project manager of the project attended a special program "Wide dissemination of multi-drug resistant bacteria in a local community: the issue highlighted by the SATREPS project" organized by Japanese Society of Public Health. They made oral presentations on the spread of antimicrobial resistant (AMR) bacteria in Vietnam found from the project activities.

  • "Wide dissemination of AMR bacteria in Vietnam", Yoshimasa Yamamoto.
  • "Prevalence of AMR bacteria in Household Members of a Rural Area in Vietnam", Bui Thi Mai Huong.

SATREPS International Symposium - Dissemination and Suppression of AMR Bacteria 

On the same day, Osaka University organized an international symposium on AMR in Osaka city and invited 33 participants who are engaging in AMR issues in various countries such as Japan, Vietnam and USA. Vietnamese researchers constructed posters on scientific findings in Vietnam, and the project manager introduced a model of AMR monitoring system developed by the project. To exchange countermeasures to combat with AMR issues, CDC introduced the National AMR Monitoring System in USA and the MOH of Japan introduced the National Action Plan against AMR in Japan.

Outline of a model of AMR monitoring system in Vietnam by the project.

An introduction of AMR monitoring system in USA by CDC.

An introduction of AMR National Action Plan in Japan.

Closing remark by the project chief adviser.


13:00 – Opening Remarks, YAMAMOTO Yoshimasa, Project Chief Advisor, Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS)

13:00 – 14:20 Session I Oral Presentation( Chair: KUMEDA Yuko, Vice Director, Osaka Prefectural Institute of Public Health)

  • "Drug resistant malaria – How to fight?", KITA Kiyoshi, Professor, School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nagasaki University.
  • "National Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance in Japan and Future Prospect for International Cooperation",SHIBAYAMA Keigo, Chief, National Institute of Infectious Diseases.
  • "Wide dissemination of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria in Vietnam" , YAMAMOTO Yoshimasa, Visiting Professor, Osaka University; Director, Osaka Prefectural Institute of Public Health.

14:20 – 15:10 Session II Poster Presentation & Discussion (Chair: HIRAI Itaru, Professor, University of the Ryukyus)

  • "Detection of colistin resistant gene, mcr-1, among cepharosporin-resistant Escherichia coli isolated from food samples and healthy human feces in Thai Binh" , Tran Thi Hoa, Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy.
  • "Prevalence and molecular characterization of Extended-spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli isolated from food and healthy workers in Nha Trang, Vietnam" , Hoang Thi Ai Van, Nha Trang Pasteur Institute.
  • "Dissemination of extended-spectrum ß-lactamase- and AmpC ß-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli within the food distribution system of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam", Nguyen Do Phuc, Institute of Public Health HCMC.
  • "Multiple sampling of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli from chicken farms in Mekong Delta, Vietnam", Ngyen Cong Ha, Can Tho University.

15:10 – 16:30 Session III Oral Presentation (Chair: YAMASAKI Shinji, Professor, Osaka Prefecture University)

  • "Overview of NARMS, National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System, in USA", Jared L. Reynolds, Surveillance Epidemiologist, CDC, USA.
  • "Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring Activity in Vietnam", Le Danh Tuyen, Director, & Bui Thi Mai Huong, National Institute of Nutrition, Vietnam.
  • "National Action Plan against AMR in Japan",NODA Hiroyuki, Director, Tuberculosis and Infectious Diseases Division, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

16:30 Closing Remarks

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