Workshop on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Viet Nam

On 25 August 2016, the 5th Scientific Workshop "A Workshop on Antimicrobial Resistance in Viet Nam" was held in Ha Noi at National Institute of Nutrition(NIN). The aim of the workshop was to share and exchange the project's scientific achievements by different themes with related institutions in Viet Nam. Total 49 participants attended the workshop, including not only the project members but also research institutions under Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) such as National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Department (NAFIQAD) and National Institute of Veterinary Research, FAO, Oxford University Clinical Research Unit Vietnam, Nagasaki University, and so on.

(Left)A keynote lecture by Prof. Watanabe from Japan Agency of Medical Research and Development (AMED), introducing the latest AMR issues, a case of AMR surveillance system in Japan. He emphasized that AMR is not a problem of one country but a global problem beyond countries.

(Right) Presentation by Microbiology WG from Human perspective, showing the prevalence and genetic characteristics of ESBL-producing bacteria found from healthy people and UTI patients.

(Left) Microbiology food team shows the prevalence of ESBL-producing bacteria found in a flow of food markets chain.

(Right) Pharmacology team shows findings on antibiotic residues from foods.

(Left) Anthropology team shows a public health intervention case to prevent the spread of AMR in a commune.

(Right) Monitoring task force shows a model of monitoring ESBL-producing bacteria and antibiotic residues in foods.

Discussion with related institutions on AMR issues. A focal point of the discussion was a collaboration between health and animal sectors.

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