Viet Nam-Japan Students Networking to Prevent AMR

A quiz on a right usage of antibiotics. Elementary school students explain the reason.

From 25-26 July 2016, twenty Japanese high school students of Hyogo Prefecture High School visited the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) and Ba Vi. The students' mission, which is of the Super Global High School Program under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan, was to learn antimicrobial resistance (AMR) issues and think solutions. With graduate students of Osaka University, they visited an elementary school and households/farms in Chu Minh commune and discussed the solutions with researchers of the project.

Introduction of the project by Ms. Van, NIN

Chu Minh commune in Ba Vi, where the project has been doing raising awareness activities on AMR.

Welcome dance by elementary school students in Chu Minh.

A quiz contest, elementary school students VS high school students.
Which is a right picture showing the relation between AMR and antibiotics usage ?

A group picture with elementary school students

Issues and solutions presentation by high school students.
Comments by Prof. Hirata and Assoc. Prof. Sumimura of Osaka University.

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