The 5th Joint Coordinating Committee Meeting

On the 31st of May 2016, the 5th Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) meeting was held in Ha Noi at National Institute of Nutrition (NIN). Total 40 participants attended the JCC, including Ministry of Health (MOH), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), JICA, Embassy of Japan in Viet Nam, WHO and USAID. A primary agenda of the JCC was to announce or discuss scientific achievements and tentative suggestions from the project to MOH. Scientific achievements by the project include how much prevalence of antimicrobial resistant (AMR) bacteria is shown in Viet Nam, how AMR is spread, how much antibiotics residues are found in foods and so on. Moreover, the project shows some models on a public health improvement program in a community to reduce AMR with raising awareness of hand washing, proper use of antibiotics, as well as a model of monitoring system on AMR and antibiotic residues in foods. In order to contribute to the National Action Plan on Combatting AMR 2013-2020 by Vietnamese governments, the project is preparing some suggestions to policy makers in Viet Nam.

Opening remarks by NIN, JICA Viet Nam, and a summary presentation by the project chief adviser.

Open discussion with participants, WHO, MOH, MARD from left to right

Pre-meeting by the project comprehensive task-force members in Viet Nam and Japan

Related link: Homepage of NIN in Vietnamese

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