A Workshop on AMR in Vietnam

The project organized a workshop on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Vietnam to share the comprehensive project report outline with other institutions. The editorial task-force of the report, comprised of NIN and Osaka University, unveiled their scientific evidence and AMR monitoring system model to the guests. The institutions in attendance which engage in AMR research were; The Vietnam Food Administration (VFA), National Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Quality Assurance Department (NAFIQAD), WHO, JICA, and USAID. Evaluating the project's evidence on AMR, the participants advised on the importance of utilizing the findings. They suggested that a future monitoring system, applying the project's model, would be a useful resource for policy makers. The task-force took note of the suggestions and will continue to update the report until 2016.

Report by pharmacology WG Report by microbiology WG
Report by anthropology WG VFA, WHO, JICA