Local Training Course "Primer Design & Gene Cloning"

On Oct. 1, 2015, National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) organized a local training course "Primer Design and Gene Cloning " at Hanoi. The training course was for young microbiologists to learn a basic knowledge and skill on how to design a primer (a strand of short nucleic acid sequences) for cloning a target gene. Also aiming at strengthening a research network among 5 Vietnamese institutions, thirteen microbiologists of master level attended the course. The course consists of a theoretical session and a practical session. The participants, after learning a basic knowledge and designing their primers for their target gene, will try PCR and In-fusion methods from Oct. 20 at the collaboration laboratory in NIN.

Dr. Tuyen, who is the project leader and the NIN director, made opening remark.
Self introduction by Pasteur Institute Nha Trang.
Basic lecture by Prof. Hirai (University of the Ryukyus).
Vietnamese instruction by Dr. Huong, NIN.
NIN team.
Institute of Public Health HCMC team.
Thai Binh University of Pharmacy & Medicine team. Can Tho University team.
Designing primers, accessing a gene data-bank on the web.