Microbiology Poster Presentation at ICAAC 2015

From Sep. 17- 21, 2015, Ms. Khong Thi Diep, a microbiologist of Thai Binh University of Pharmacy and Medicine (TBUPM), attended the Interscience Conference of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) 2015 held in San Diego,USA. She constructed a poster presentation about microbiological findings in Thai Binh collaborate with TBUPM and Japanese researchers.

Ms. Diep in San Diego
Poster and Ms. Diep
  • Poster title: "A Wide Dissemination of Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Multi-drug Resistant Strain of Escherichia coli in the Livestock and Fishery Products in Vietnam."
  • Presenter : Khong Thi Diep
  • Authors :HV Le(1), DT Khong(1), HT Tran(1), TN Nguyen(1), KN Pham(1), R Kawahara(2), M Jinnai(2), Y Kumeda(2), T Nakayama(3), S Ueda(3), and Y Yamamoto(2)(3).
  • Author affiliation:(1) Thai Binh University of Pharmacy and Medicine, (2) Osaka Prefecture Institute of Publich Health, (3) Osaka University

    A list of posters by the project

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