Long-term Training Evaluation Meeting

On Sep. 10, 2015, Mr. Phan Ngoc Quang attended an evaluation meeting on his long-term training course in Univeristy of Tokushima (TU). Mr. Quang, who has been taking a PhD course under Prof. Takahasi's supervison at Institute of Health Bioscience, reported his doctoral thesis via videoconferencing to JICA, Osaka University and JICA Vietnam.

Thesis report from Mr. Quang (Right)

Mr. Quang's thesis is about one of pathogenic bacteria, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, which highlights how a DNA-binding protein coordinates pathogenic effects on host cell. He has published his research on a molecular mechanism of Vibrio parahaemolyticus pathogenicity in a famous international journal, Journal of Bacteriology. Giving thanks to TU and related people of the project, he made a pledge to sustain a research network between Vietnam and Japan and to contribute to project activities after he goes back to Thai Binh University of Pharmacy and Medicine.

From JICA Vietnam Office
Vice rector of TBUPM and else
Chief Advisor's comment from Osaka University
JICA headquarters' comments