High Level Meeting to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance in Vietnam

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Ministry of Health (MOH) in Vietnam organized "High Level Meeting and Signing Ceremony of Aide Memoire on the Multi-stakeholder Engagement to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Viet Nam" on 24th July 2015 in Hanoi, responding to the National Action Plan on Combating AMR 2013-2012 of the MOH's Decision (No.2174/QD-BYT dated on 21 June 2013). Since AMR issues are not only of health sector but also of other sectors such as agricultural and environmental issues, this meeting was to strengthen the engagement to fight against AMR and the collaboration among different ministries in Vietnam and international partners. In the signing ceremony, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD), Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT) and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) were jointly agreed on the Aide Memoire. International agencies working in Vietnam such as JICA, WHO, FAO, USAID, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU) were witnesses to the agreement. The signed Aide Memoire defines the actions and the roles of each Ministry in Vietnam to fight with AMR issues.

Signing ceremony by multi-stakeholders with the Minister of Health

    The Project members participated in a technical session (AMR in food chains and environment group) and workshop in the afternoon, sharing the Project's model of monitoring system on AMR and antibiotic residues in a food flow. As a result of the session, two priority actions had been recommended to the chair members : one is to make a legal framework for AMR, two is to develop the national surveillance system on AMR in food chains inclusive data-base system. The Project will keep contributing in the Action Plan on AMR for the People's health in Vietnam.

Technical session on food safety and AMR

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