The 4th Joint Coordinating Committee

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The 4th Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC) was held at Hanoi on 15th June 2015 and total 35 attendees from Vietnam Ministry of Health (MOH), JICA and project members took part in the meeting.

Opening remark from the Project leader

Agenda of the JCC consisted of a progress and plan of research activities, a progress of a model of food monitoring system on antibiotic resistant bacteria and antibiotic residues, and the agreement on the outline of the comprehensive report to MOH. Some achievements of research such as academic papers accepted by international journals were reported by Vietnamese research institutions.

Report by Institute of Public Health, HCMC Report by Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy

A progress of the food monitoring system showed that monitored data are appropriately archived following operation manuals developed by the Project. Moreover, an outline of comprehensive report for MOH was announced by the Project, which is to make recommendations from research into policy in the next year. Not only MOH but JICA gave valuable comments to make a feasible comprehensive report until the next year.

Outline of comprehensive report announced by project manager

Comments from chief adviser and JICA