Poster Presentation at American Society for Microbiology

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Three researchers from the Project have attended the 115th General Meeting of American Society for Microbiology from 30th May to 2nd June 2015. With poster presentations by them, they noted that they were able to share their research achievements with many international researchers and obtain valuable comments from them. The Project will keep disseminating research achievements from now on.

Ms. Hue
Mr. Ueda (left)
Ms. Phuong (left)

Presented posters:

  • "Contamination of Extended Spectrum β-lactamase – producing Escherichia-coli in poultry and shrimp at a Local Market in Vietnam."

Presenter: Ms. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Hue (Pasteur Institute of Nha Trang)

Authors:H.T.N. Nguyen, P. Q. Le, S. Ueda, K. T. V. Dao, V. T. A. Hoang, N. T. T. Tran, I. Hirai, T. Nakayama, R. Kawahara, H. T. Do, M. Q. Vien, and Y. Yamamoto.

  • "Effects of Orally Administered Ampicillin on Intestinal Colonization of ESBL-producing Escherichia-coli and In Vivo Horizontal Transfer of the Plasmid conferring ESBL."

Presenter: Ms. Hoang Hoai Phuong (Osaka Prefecture University/Institute of Public Health HCMC)

Authors:P.H. Hoang, N. Yasuda, I. Hirai, Y. Yamamoto, S.P. Awasthi, A. Hinenoya,and S. Yamasaki.

  • "Limited transmission of CTX-M-9-type extended spectrum β-lactamase-producing Escherichia coli between human and poultry in Vietnam."

Presenter:Mr. Ueda Shuhei (University of the Ryukyus)

Authors:S. Ueda, B. T. K. Ngan, I. Hirai, B. T. M. Huong, L. D. Tuyen, and Y. Yamamoto.

A list of posters from the Project:List