MSc Degree Defense

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On 14th April 2015, Ms. Bui Thi Kim Ngan has completed her thesis defense for Master of Science degree at the Hanoi University of Science and Technology. Ms. Ngan, who is a microbiologist of National Institute of Nutrition (NIN), presented her master thesis “Back-yard Poultry and Spreading of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in Rural Community” and answered questions posed by examiners. Her oral presentation was highly evaluated and got excellent score from the examiners.

  • Oral presentation by Ms. Ngan
  • Celebrated by colleague of NIN

Putting her efforts into the master course, Ms. Ngan has made contributions to the SATREPS Project activities in Hanoi area. As one of the youngest microbiologists developing research capacity, she took part in not only a short training course in University of the Ryukyus under Prof. Hirai's supervision but also local training courses in Vietnam designed by the Project.

  • Training in Japan Aug.-Oct.2014
  • Working at NIN laboratory

She thanks as follows:" I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Itaru Hirai of University of the Ryukyus and Dr. Bui Thi Mai Huong of NIN for their vital instructions and supports during the course of my study and working in Vietnam and Japan. Without their critical contributions, my thesis would not be possible. Finally, I am also thankful to Mr. Ando of JICA for his excellent logistic supports and assistance."

  • Her research goining on at NIN collaboration labo